5 Business Models to Experiment With Throughout Your E-Commerce Career

Female businesswoman with a customer after e-commerce training

The e-commerce sector has been touted by several sources as one of the most lucrative market/trade channels today. Because of its capacity to bring together many people very quickly, it now constitutes a global marketplace within reach of an unlimited number of buyers, sellers, and every other party.  To become a significant player in the […]

4 Customer Retention Strategies to Apply After E-Commerce Training

A businessman holds a phone and a screen with the customer satisfaction rate after e-commerce training.

A business’s repeat customers are some of its most valuable assets, as they’re the ones who are most likely to act as loyal ambassadors of your brand. That’s why customer retention is a critical to any successful e-commerce business.  After investing in e-commerce training, business owners need to apply customer retention strategies to keep their […]

Interested in E-Commerce Training? 3 Tips For Driving Traffic

Once you’ve developed or sourced a great product and designed an eye-catching online store, you’ll be halfway to a successful e-commerce business. Next, you’ll need to be noticed by potential clients. Data suggests that today, there are about 2.64 billion online shoppers, indicating that there’s plenty of opportunity to drive traffic to your e-commerce site. […]